Did you study art?
Bachelor of Visual Arts & Applied Design at O’Halloran Hill.
Where do you make your art?
Home studio.
What are you working on at the moment?
Luna Bird products and 2010 exhibition work.
What is your favourite medium?
Everything, I can’t help myself!
Squidgy stuff and charcoal.
Where do you find inspiration?
Bugs, birds, food and fairytales.
What have been some of your most enjoyable art projects?
Flesh exhibition of life drawing.
Do your artworks turn out like how you imagined?
I try not to think about it, just do it.
Where else can we see your work?
T’arts collective - Gays Arcade; Hahndorf Academy; The Green Room on High Street Willunga; Q gallery Woodside; eye2eye gallery; Pepper Street Art Centre; Red Poles - McLaren Vale; Purple Cockatoo - Kensington Park.