here are a few snaps of the work at Carclew before the punters came streaming in on opening night. It was a great night and we'll be back next year to do it all again!
Ms D

Did you study art?
Bachelor of Visual Arts & Applied Design at O’Halloran Hill.
Where do you make your art?
Home studio.
What are you working on at the moment?
Luna Bird products and 2010 exhibition work.
What is your favourite medium?
Everything, I can’t help myself!
Squidgy stuff and charcoal.
Where do you find inspiration?
Bugs, birds, food and fairytales.
What have been some of your most enjoyable art projects?
Flesh exhibition of life drawing.
Do your artworks turn out like how you imagined?
I try not to think about it, just do it.
Where else can we see your work?
T’arts collective - Gays Arcade; Hahndorf Academy; The Green Room on High Street Willunga; Q gallery Woodside; eye2eye gallery; Pepper Street Art Centre; Red Poles - McLaren Vale; Purple Cockatoo - Kensington Park.
Did you study art?
Went to TAFE for three years. It was fantastically practical and I enjoyed experimenting with a variety of mediums.
Where do you make your art?
I work from a studio in my shed where I create a creative mess.
What are you working on at the moment?
I have been painting a series of oil paintings. I like showing windy pictures.
What is your favourite medium?
I like watercolour because it is instant, I can add layers and the scribblier and freer the better.
Where do you find inspiration?
From things people say and childhood memories.
What have been some of your most enjoyable art projects?
My most favourite art projects are children's books because it is collaborative and I get to play with other peoples ideas. I also like making art with children.
Do your artworks turn out like how you imagined?
No, but I don't mind. I write captions of text to include in my paintings. But sometimes once I have painted a character it doesn't need words or I think of something different to add to the story in the painting.
Where else can we see your work?
I am having a couple of exhibitions at the end of this year. The details for them are on my website
Did you study art?
Not at school, but I went back to Uni as a mature student and studied a Bachelor of Visual Communication (Illustration). I've always drawn.
Where do you make your art?
At home or if I'm sketching then out and about- I always try to have a sketchbook and a pencil handy.
What are you working on at the moment?
Mostly portraiture and some book illustrations
What is your favourite medium?
Pencil and paper closely followed by acrylic on anything that won't move too quickly. I've recently started dabbling with digital painting with a Wacom Intuous 3.
Where do you find inspiration?
Stories mostly and music. I like looking at other (better) art and drawing a certain amount of competitiveness from that, but it has always been classic stories that inspire me to draw.
What have been some of your most enjoyable art projects?
Recently painting a part of a mural for Jive Bar on Hindley St. It was great to see everyone else's work in tandem with my own.
Do your artworks turn out like how you imagined?
Never... but I'm getting closer and sometimes you get a happy accident where it turns out nothing like what you meant, but you get something even better! I like those